
We are the market leaders in the crane rental service and the heavy lifting industry. Our cranes are present in many major projects in the Middle East and North Africa region.
We offer our clients intelligent and creative solutions to today's heavy lifting challenges.
We employ top market talents for the job because we believe in safety and excellence in all we do.
We strive daily to establish a safe space for our people, your people, and the equipment.
It is our job to provide you with the best brands for cranes and smart lifting solutions in order to achieve all your tasks successfully. We are very committed to deliver our projects on time at very competitive prices and excellent service.

We will continue to build our future on the foundations of our rich past and we will keep breaking ground and securing that your project is delivered in the fastest, safest, and smartest way.


عند اختيار استئجار الرافعات أو معدات الرفع ، يجب أن تتأكد من حصولك على أفضل جودة وأفضل سعر لمشروعك. هنا في شركة CRANES ، نأخذ النفقات والتعقيدات من تجهيز كل وظيفة. سواء كنت تعمل في وظيفة مهمة ذات رواتب عالية أو مجرد مشروع مليء بالتحديات ، فإن خدمة تأجير الرافعات لدينا مضمونة لتوفر لك معدات تأجير الرافعات الأكثر فاعلية.

We are specialized in renting out crawler & mobile cranes to our customers in different industries as offshore, power, foundation, marine and petrochemical. We have capacities up to 1200 Ton and we are honored to have the ability to serve the requirements in different sectors of all industries.
For operated rentals: Our highly trained team is available to hire for crane or other equipment operation on your site. These experts undergone strict safety and operational training, and have years of experience working with crane equipment. These operated crane rentals provide rental security by knowing that your rental is operated by the best.
For non-operated rentals: Our non-operated rentals allow you to operate the crane yourself and any of our rentals have the option of being a non-operated rental. We take great pride in our equipment and go above and beyond to make sure they are in excellent operating condition. Our teams of certified crane operators who work to help you get your project done right, on time, every time – from start to finish.

Brands We Rent

Not only do we have a wide range of crane rental equipment, we stock only the best leading brands. Each brand, like each crane, has unique traits and characteristics that can benefit individual job sites. Some of the brands we supply from are:
Our inventory is constantly expanding as we acquire and sell different types and models of lifting equipment.


نوفر لك قطع غيار ومكونات جديدة للمحركات ، وأجزاء الخدمة ، والأجزاء الهيدروليكية ، وأجزاء الهيكل السفلي ، والمحامل الدورانية ، والرباط ، والحبال السلكية ، والحزم وجميع الأجزاء الأخرى المستخدمة في الرافعات.


يمكننا أيضًا أن نقدم لك خدمة بيع الرافعات. لدينا ماركات وقدرات وأنواع مختلفة من الرافعات بحالة جيدة جدًا وجاهزة للفحص والشراء. سيقدم لك مستشارونا أفضل النصائح الفنية لإثراء تجربة الشراء الخاصة بك ولتحقيق أفضل النتائج التشغيلية.
Our consultants will provide you with the best technical advices to enrich your purchase experience and for you to achieve the best operational results.

Our cranes are trusted by our users everywhere for their quality, safety, comfort and efficiency under broad different working conditions.
We provide you with all the technical information of the machine from our standardized crane manuals and charts as provided by our best leading crane suppliers.